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How Greenroofs Work

So what is a greenroof?! there are two types of greenroofs - Extensive and intensive with both types installed on new or existing roof's.


Extensive greenroofs have a shallow growing medium typically no deeper than 200mm. They have similar enviromental benefits to intensive greenroofs but with smaller plants, shallower root systems and are generally not trafficable by foot.

The advantage of an extensive greenroof over intensive is WEIGHT!. Extensive greenroofs can weight as little as 120kg per sq mtr, less weight means less structural engineering required for installation.
Extensive greeroofs can also be retro fitted to existing roof's, dependant on how the roof structure is built.

Modula' Greenwalls use two main types of greenroof systems for extensive roof gardens -

MEP tray with built in water holding trays, drainage system and are modular, each tray is bolted to the next, creating a "mat" effect. Typically the growing medium depth is 100mm

Versi 30/60 are a shallow click together tray system. Typically installed over a geofabric layer and versicell subsurface drainage cells with a growing medium depth of 200mm

Generally extensive roof gardens have low maintenance plants installed, drought tolerant, low water usage and little to no foliage care is required.

Varieties like Carex, Leucophyta, Lomandra's to name a few are an excellent choice for extensive greenroof gardens.


Intensive greenroofs have a much deeper growing medium typically upto 1 meter.
They have similar enviromental benefits to extensive greenroofs but with larger plants, tall trees, large shrubs. The root systems are alot deeper than extensive and can be used for parks and gardens foot traffic, seating areas etc

The advantage of an intensive greenroof over extensive is plant choice and its water holding capabilities. Intensive greenroofs can weight over 500kg per sq mtr requiring specialist structural engineering.

Intensive greeroofs are generally fitted to new roof's, or can be retro fitted to existing roofs dependant on how the roof structure is built. Modula' Greenwalls use one main type of greenroof systems for extensive roof gardens -

Versi 60, a shallow click together tray system.

Typically installed over a geofabric layer and versicell subsurface drainage cells with a growing medium depth of 1mtr. Generally intensive roof gardens have low to medium maintenance plants installed, higher water usage with more maintenance required.

Varieties like Leucophyta, Callistemon, Corea's to name a few are an excellent choice for Intensive greenroof gardens.

Greenroofs are strikingly beautiful, unique and original works of living art designed to beautify what would ordinarily be a blank, wasted space.

Healt and Wellness

Buildings that feature and promote access to vegetation have been documented as having a greater positive human health impact than those without. Studies have shown that visual access to natural settings leads to increased job satisfaction and productivity and post-operative recovery rates in medical facilities.

Air Quality

Greenroofs are a living breathing ecosystem absorbing airborne pollutants and converting carbon dioxide into life giving oxygen. Our greenwalls can also help remove VOCS! Volatile Organic Compounds which are absorbed into the plant through the leaves. With a buildings vast footprint taking up valuble permiable surfaces and space for plants the only solution to green that footprint is to install a greenroof.


The vegetated surface provided by strategic urban greenery such as green walls and greenroofs will block high frequency sounds, and when constructed with a suitable substrate or growing medium tehy can also block low-frequency noises.

Usable Space

Greenroofs provide additional usable space for private and public areas. What once was an unusable space, now can be converted into open park land, usable space for familys and office workers for leasure, meetings or even time out with a coffee!

Urban Heat Island Effect

With strategic placement of greenroofs, plants can create enough turbulence to break horizontal airflow, which slows and cools down the air and reduces the urban heat island effect.

Improved Energy Efficency

Greenroofs can help lower the air temperature around intake valves, which means HVAC units will require less energy to cool air before being circulated around a building. The heat produced by the sun and reflective heat from opposing buildings is absorbed reducing cooling costs and acting like a blanket, insullating the roof helping to reduce heating costs.

Building Structure Protection

Greenroofs provide an additional layer of exterior insulation and thereby limit thermal fluctuations. Greenroofs protect roof structures from UV radiation, rain and damage from pollutants.